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I am a Muslim but I respect all the religions .

I  studied  and taught in  Catholic missionary schools . I 've been having and still have many Chritian Friends.

I believe in ONE GOD (ALLAH -the Arabic word for the ONLY ONE TO BE WORSHIPED).....who sent  more than a MILLION APOSTLES to teach HIS people, and MUHAMMAD the best  ALL with the LAST EDITION OF HIS TEACHINGS. Every Muslim is required to be a part of  conveying this message.

The same MESSAGE that started from the fIRST MAN ON THE EARTH...ADAM pbuh ,and has been REMINDED by millions ot the PROPHETS , thereafter!

I believe that there IS / WAS/ WILL BE...

... ONLY ONE TRUTH.......The TRUTH has to be ONE...

so ALL  THE TEACHINGS MUST UNITE into ONE TEACHING which is ISLAM......which means PEACE and SUBMISSION....the  teaching with the BEST stratergies  to bring and establish PEACE in the WORLD! 

ALL the SPRINGS and STREAMS and RIVERS fall into ONE OCEAN finally .....ISLAM.....the ULTIMATE TRUTH!

The Faith has to be like one in which even a BLIND can SEE!....Imagine the other side of the world ...where ALL of us will be together ........FACING ONE TRUTH!

I'll represent the CHRISTIAN aspect of  MUSLIM  beliefs at this site, just as all the  CHRISTIANS have the JEWISH part of their beliefs, although the perspectives to see the same thing may be different!

(the Quranic translation is adopted from

There is ROOM to learn more, and  to learn from each other!

I believe that  little KNOWLEGDE is a very dangerous weapon that harms not only others but own we all must struggle to KNOW and UNDERSTAND  more, to heal the bruised world like a doctor!

This world is suffering fron INJUSTICE......We should not hate anyone ...BUT the UNJUST!







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