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Centuries ago,


all the horizons vanished,

as the sight went blind,

.....and the darkness prevailed!

The hope surrendered,

the despair thundered,

..........and the fright trailed!

The humanity suffered,

the cruelty occurred,

............and generosity failed!

The pleas spellbound,

the gods dumbfound,

.......and the prayers not availed!

Then, the MASTER took mercy,

and sent that LUMINARY ,

to shine on the sky of ignorance days!

I could never SEE HIM,

as always idols came in between,

and my attention went astray!


I can't be a BELIEVER,

when my heart is ECLIPSED,

and my very own self betrays!


Dedicated to The Prophet Muhammad saw


61.6: And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the apostle of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Apostle who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic.


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