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Close your eyes and pray


Water Towers are intrigining playthings;

At least to ten year old boys they are.

I was a kid, we had one in the neighborhood.

Mom said, "Stay away the tower it is dangerious!"

Not a place for kids to play!

"Dare you to kiss the bell on top see if it rings!"

Now down below, a boy, it didn't seem that high,

A challenge made I did what any kid would;

OK, I wasn't that bright, girls were around, 

Ladder up, not that bad if I hadn't looked down.

The kids looked like ants on the ground,

It was as easy as eating an ice cream cone;

In the same shape, for the angle went up and out.

If you swung like a monkee grabbed real fast.

I was hanging in air, could not last, I began to pray.

There was an Angel on my shoulder that day.

For I made it to the top and I kissed the bell,

Then looked down straight into hell.

Thunder and lightning it began to rain,

On slippery surfaces I had never been trained,

Called for a firetruck and on a ladder mother earth;

The next day they were building fences all around.

I was taken to the fire station, thanked the fireman,

For they were God's Angels who talked me down.

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