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 I am Daniel
I am Daniel
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The king named Darius was not happy but he listened to the astrologer just one too many times and finally agreed this Daniel is just not doing the kingdoms business. Take him and lower him away into the lion's den he gave much thought to this it seemed so wrong to him his conscience finally cried and the good KING Darius almost died oh what is wrong with me and then HE ventured near the cave and cried “Daniel has your GOD saved you from the lions.”
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I sit in utter darkenness no food or rest no help it seems the lions do not utter a sound it's so quiet in this cave no sounds no roars no hate inside these beasts. My lord the GOD has made them shut up all their want. I sit upon this rock and kneel beside this rock I pray and wait upon my GOD to save.
The silence is so strong the smell of cat is strong around me I felt them strain and halt in strang perplexity of need they seem so different now.
Darius was at the entrance to the cave waiting just to hear a word from Daniel mouth. My heart so troubled earlier and earnestly seeking deliverance is now at rest and I can be blessed in every circumstance because I kept the faith of GOD a test but not from him to us this test is testing no one least of all this Daniel. The lions do not roar. Daniel Spoke.
“Darius be of good cheer I am Daniel my GOD is a deliverer.” Darius Spoke.
“Bring the astrologers here to this cave and get Daniel out of there.” This was the Kings decree he was quite gleeful and happy about it and then command was given in a hard hard voice he cried
“Throw the worthless men in where Daniel lay.” This order carried out may seem so harsh but without Judgment come to them what would they learn.
Now they are waiting somewhere else for GOD to come.
And life for DANIEL still goes on.
