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Viewpoint Of The Fish
Invariably life is surmounted and over come with obstacles designed to amuse the abusers among the men the users of the clay to mold the old and make them pay for unimagined hurts inflicted by society when for all the world to see the hurt inscribed on them my enemy is nill and voided null and jointed separately intended to become a monument of mediocre missing intentions faltering commotions ending in so much incidental indentations of the misery of man. "Well-informed people know it is impossible to transmit the voice over wires and that were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value." - Editorial in the Boston Post (1865) This has always been attributed to Thomas Alva Edison what he Rally said was this “To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” Referring of course to the poetry list of the CharlaxAndroidSevenOne. The small boy was angry at us the fishermen we two were men and strong and using bits and pieces of the little ones to catch some larger for the skillet to add to beans we needed FISH and not just minnows we could eat. “The fish feel pain” is what the boy said “just like humans do.” “NO” both the eye and my friend agreed “they do not feel the same as you as eye as we.” My friend became morose and actually tossed his minnows back and eye grabbed all my pieces of the fish that eye was using just for bait and tossed as far into the pond as fish could fly away from me the boy was not so easily undone and mollified he wept and my friend tried to help him to get over it and frowning eye was sorry for the day and beans we ate and beans we stayed and then eye dared to make the complaint. “BOY is crazy we need to eat.” If you want to add to this meal old man just go to the field and gather up some green onions eye have plantered them in haste but they are long enough for yew to eat today. Hurriedly eye rushed between the raindrops to get at the vegetables and then we smashed the beans and made them into refried. The onions we ate as aside dish was full of skillet mess
And as eye was about to get my fill of it my friend had to go and ruin it this is what he said to me to cause me a trip the next day to away. “Do you remember the LIME eye had you use the bathroom in the outhouse the box of lime to catch the excess portions?” “yes said eye eye remember it why?” “Eye poured it on the onions to make them grow” is what he said to me “that's what we aer eating so slow and enjoying so there eye just wondered if you were weak or strong?” My days at this commune place was over the tent left there in my haste to return to the real world again. Parts of this story were not included. Remembered but ignored taken to extremes the human animal is LORD.
The fish are in the pond laughing at us all and Man who needs a lesson planning gardens in the lime needs food and new age wine to garner all he needs just to survive while fishes live and thrive.

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