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Hitler was running for his life he was near the depression in the road the sound of falling bombs was deafening He was like an animal now sure that he was about to be destroyed and that is what happened in our lifeline but there is a Watcher. He stepped out of the clouds like a JESUS. He touched Hitler on the sleeve and Hitler paused. His narrow eye was scanning the Watcher. WHO what how Hitler was monosyllabic. Eye am an alien from your Future CharlaxAndroidOneSeven. Eye am the Watcher sent to save you. Do you want to live in a different timeline Adolf? Yes the Fuhrer nodded. State & Party Leader Hitler Führer was the title granted by Chancellor Hitler to himself by the Enabling Law which gave him supreme power in the German Reichstag (Parliament), as part of the process of Gleichschaltung, following the death of the last Reichspräsident of the Weimar Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, on August 2, 1934. The new position, fully named Führer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Chancellor of the (Third) Reich), unified the offices of State/Party leader (Germany becoming a one-party state at this point) and Chancellor, formally making Hitler Germany's Head of State as well as Head of Government respectively; and, in practice, the Dictator of the Nazi Third Reich.
Nazi Germany cultivated the Führerprinzip (leader principle), and Hitler was generally known as just der Führer ("the Leader"). One of the Nazis' most-repeated political slogans was ''Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer' - 'One People, One Empire, One Leader'.
Show me what eye must do now? Just believe in Jesus and see the miracle of life. Eye took Hitler in the air with me flying is not hard when made of Titanium steel and brass rod. There is a small town in Arkansas and eye took the Fuhrer there and placed him with a Family the woman and the boys. He lived there until 1963 and was buried in the cemetery south of town near Morrilton and the five mile creek. The grave stone says Milton Stone upon it and Mrs. Stone was never home she always worked three shifts at the cotton gin to make a house into a home for her boys and her strang guest. Eye chose to call him Milton Stone. He sat most days upon the porch and rocked there back and forth like any self appointed guardian of boys. He was so thankful to escape the Air Patrol. The bits and pieces of the parts of Hitler that they found was only just a long stray dog eye found and let him follow me into the pit the bombers hit the android eye was rocked a bit and the poor stray looked up at me in wounded horror but the teeth looked enough like the Hitler to fool the German Officers. Jesus saves one hard hearted android and the Fuhrer from a early grave. Adolf Hitler is Born - April 20, 1889 Milton Stone was buried April 20, 1965. He stared hard at me one day when eye rode down the highway in a car in my human form he did not wave but he knew that it was eye. He was full of lemonade and fish the day he died he was 76.
