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Continued from "striking the Blood and eating the Lamb" by Pastor Harry Rogers

The first time you crossed the Red Sea, which represented coming out of the world, dying to the world. Now, it's time to enter into Canaan. Enter into our spirit. Enter into the place that God has prepared for us. To cross the Jordan represents to die to the self. We've died to the world when we came out of Egypt and crossed the Red Sea. When the world pursued us and tried to take us back, God closed the Red Sea over them and buried them there and we were fully delivered out of the world. Now God desires to deliver us from ourselves. God desires us to love Him more than we love ourselves and be willing to cross the Jordan, dying to the self, entering into the good land, and beginning to fulfill His eternal purpose and plan. You cannot fulfill God's eternal purpose and plan in the wilderness. There's no way. The very best that you can do in the wilderness is worship God in the tabernacle. But, God's desire is to build a holy habitation for Himself. It wasn't until the children of Israel entered the good land that the house of God was built, that the Temple was built, that Bethel was raised. When we enter into the good land, really we are coming to the gates of Heaven, the Heavenly ladder that extends from the earth to the Heavens. We're coming into the richness of Christ to enjoy the produce of the land. You see, with the children of Israel, when they crossed from one side of Jordan to the other, and they got up to gather the manna, guess what? The manna didn't come. Now they had to start to labor. This is when they entered into the battle. This is when they entered into the work of the Kingdom. To be in the wilderness is superficial. To eat the manna from Heaven is superficial. To see the miracles that took place not only in the wilderness but also in Egypt, all was superficial. God wants to bring us into the good land where now our very humanity becomes mingled with His divinity to produce the Building. To produce the Bride. To produce the Body Of Christ. In Leviticus chapter two it talks about the meal offering. How the fine flour was to be mingled with the oil for the offering. The fine flour represents our humanity. It represents us, when we enter into canaan. The oil represents God. The Holy Spirit. God wants to mingle His divinity with our humanity to produce the Church, His Body, the Bride of Christ, for Himself. This can't happen in the wilderness. It can only happen when we enter into the good land. When we come into Canaan there's battles to be fought there. There's enemies there that need to be dealt with. To enter into Canaan is not the end of our journey. People always think, oh boy when we get to Canaan Land it's all going to be ok. That's when the labor begins. That's when you have to labor to produce the food that you're going to eat. It's not just handed to you on a silver platter, or on the ground as it was in the wilderness. The manna just doesn't appear, but you have to labor to bring forth the produce of the good land. You have to fight the battle to win this land. There are enemies in there. There are strongholds to be taken. There is a soul that needs to be divided from the spirit....

The last word.......

The Lord has shown me that the things I've learned these past eight years are going to be manifested in my life in more ways than I've ever thought possible.I have got to trust that the things ahead of me are under His divine plan. The past has brought me to this point and it was also under His divine intervention. The past is past however but the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever and yet His glory is expressed more and more. His government is the same, yet He is forever changing. He is more glorious than we could ever imagine. No wonder the Angels are singing His praises forever and ever. There's so much of Him. They see more and more of Him and no time can contain Him. He is infinite. His beauty is infinite. His Love is infinite. He is all consuming. He is all in all. The thing is that His Love is not limitless. He is able to reach all. It is not only for me or you. It is for anyone who wants it.

He is bringing us to a place that only those who receive Him in this way can enter. Let Him make decisions concerning you life. Let Him consume you. Let Him be the Master of your life. The Word says that if you live your life, you'll lose it and if you lose your life you'll find it. Do you know what that means? It means that in order to do His perfect Will in your life you have to entrust Him with it. Give it to Him. What better way to spend your life than to bask in the presence of the Lord and receive His best. Do you think you can do better? If you do then the ultimate you can receive is what the world can give you. Is that all you want? Not me. I want more and more of Jesus. His wonders are unimaginable, yet not unattainable. Through the working of the cross, we are able to let go of ourselves and achieve the highest degree of enlightenment in Him.

