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Spidder Part Three
Spidder Part Three
James 5:7-8
James 5:7-8
Spidder Part Three
Yo Liss sees
Spidder Part Three
Spidder Part Three

 The Cappum and the Maritimer were at odds again the transmission was in the end of Spidder 430 on the map it was just a line in the Mercury sand. The Exire is calling us this must be important Hurry we have to answer this transmission slip before the next solar day move faster Maritimer this was the Cappum speaking Quickly now make haste the CharlaX Android one is breatheing down our necks eye can tell somehow that he is watching us he must be one of the Watchers now how quickly that man evolved to greatnesses. Exire to Spidder: More recently, its plutonium power source had slowly weakened and its fuel was freezing as the probe made a wide circle of the sun, traveling as far as Jupiter. In January, engineers tried a longshot maneuver to heat up the fuel. Instead, their effort backfired and hastened Ulysses' death by several months.  Maritimer is speaking: Eye remember this when it happened the thing blew bye Mercury like we was sitting still in our seats and left the same way making the shadow on the dark side that stopped all the transmissions that day. Cappum: We will have to be more on guarded effort because these people kill there own machines by accidental purposes. NASA is so cold and cruel sometimes remember the dogs and the monkey. CharlaX wanted to volunteer but they left him on the road in Florida outside the fence. Maritimer: You rally have a fixatiaon with CharlaX who is he rally is he this Superman we see on the old cartoons? Cappum: It is worse than that he is a De Je Vue experted Clair de Lune kinda guy whatta man. He can read messages from our transmissions in his Morrison codes at all the stores. Stay tuned gentel reader ewe this is bound to get better iff eye keep listening to Mercurious amusings. This was Spidder part three.


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