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Strang Politics Bedfellowes
The Democrats are the poor and the Republicans are the rich ones you can tell the difference just by listening to them speaching. Democratic debate is endless in the monotone of cartoonity. Republics however have been able to learn how to talk without saying anything this is called confusion. People use the confusion to them to make money in the Republican way. IN the Democratic Nation the money is in the form of Government Grants funded mostly by the republicans today. The Richest man in Hawthorne Park has to give away his time to seek and find the lost and stolen items to place the items in his lost and stolen grocery store cart and then he gets to try to keep them over night to sell such things as people buy to barter some to gift the rest to eat if there is food so blessed as to be better than a dirty democratic ticket or a republican meat beef fry. The low insistent monotone is the generically genetic favorite of the orator of Baltimore the famous speaker of the house you should knoe who this is you should knoe by now who you are.
NO of course not. Yes it was yellow. The stains are gone from the bedfellowes. The muddle of the masses is sweet and soured black molasses covered up with chocolate sprinkled then with all the nuts and whipped with crème and condiments mustard on the Politics. Lectured halls so hallowed formed with ardent arduous leering lunitcae minutiae peering down the sights of rifled weapons shooting politics and strang bedfellowes. TO my detractors Genius can just not be rushed or forced to follow smoke and mirrors slipping bounty into rumors on the way to glory making speeches rule the daytime soaps in every better neighborhooded slope there is a chicken now in every pot and bread is better left unfrozen even when it’s hot the mold is good for you no that cannot be write the best bread that uses lite flour is the Gravity Bread down on Broadway and sixth with no nuts no crème no chocolate or chicken parts no strang bedfellowes or politics.

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