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BOB Newhart

Eye remember two of his stories eye will relate them first the way that eye remember them we had a recorded message (a vinyl record) player.

Remembrandt one: He said this is a ROBOT voice in kind of a low insistent monotonically dialogue.

ROBOT: come in and sit down Human.
ROBOT: Your work has been suffering a lot lately and we are going to have to let you go:
This has been a recorded message.
This last was emphasized by staccato emphasis on each word he spit it out like a machined player.

Remembrandt: Ants is People on the Ground
The man got on the airplane and looked out the window to the ground.
The people down there look just like ants idint it amazing.
The other airliner said Those AER ants you IDIOT we havn’t taken off yet.

Oh wow Remembrandt three: eye just remembered another one.
The Preacher and the giver the airliner and the preacher.
The man looked out at the wing and it was on fire and he began to offer up sacrifices to the lord LORD he said if this plane reaches the ground safely eye will give yew half of everything eye own.
The plane leveled off smooth and the fire on the wing went out and the plane landed safe.
The man was soon talking to the preacher.
He said MY good man eye heard what yew said on that plane yew said yew was giving half of everything yew own to the LORD and eye knoe that YEW aer gonna start right now? it was in the form of a question. NO preacher the man said eye just made HIM a better deal he said EYE told the LORD if eye ever get back on another one then HE can have it all.
Remembrandts of the Newhart.

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