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Brothers and Sisters:

Thought I would write to let you  know that you all are in our prayers.  We hope you are all doing good. Please take time to read the verses as well as the letter.  We are doing good out here.  Been doing a lot of canning and such getting ready for the coming "winter" not sure how long it will be.  As you look around today it seems that there is trouble on every side. But as our Lord said this is only the beginning of sorrows (Matt.24:8).  Though the waves are high all around us we need to step out of the boat and go forth to meet the Lord  walking on the waters of this life not looking to the right or left but keeping our eyes fixed on Him (Matt. 14:28-29 - Heb.12:2).  We need to be in prayer for one another more than ever for that day is coming and is close at hand (Eph. 6:18).  I have been getting a strong sense that something major is going to happen this year or early next.  Will let you know more about it as soon as I get a little more clear.  But will say that we really need to be watching and praying (Luke 21: 36, Matt 24:42) and not be distracted by the things that are going on in this country.  God is in charge and all these things have to come to pass.  We need to keep our eye on the real war that is taking place so we can fight the good fight where it really counts (Eph. 6:12).  The spirit of anti-christ is already at work and the love of the many is waxing cold it will not be long till the man of sin will step on to the stage (2 Thess. 2:7-13, 1 John 2:18, Matt. 24:12-13). The real storm is on the horizon don't be distracted by the small winds that are blowing now.  Keep looking up Jesus is at the door ready to step through. He is our Hope and Salvation He will keep us even in the darkest times there is nothing to fear (Luke 21:28).

Stay strong in the Lord
Love Pastor Harry and Angie  